Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wisdom teeth in my brain make me smarter.

So, I decided to see what all of this synchronized blogging is about and I read four or so posts on people's experiences at the dentist. It gave me nightmares. 

I'm not really one of those people who has a deep fear of the dentist. I only had a couple of cavities when I was a kid and I had some teeth pulled, but it was nothing that really traumatized me forever. I also had braces for four plus years, so I got kind of used to having pain in my mouth.

During my college years I didn't go to the dentist once. I guess I'd figured I had done my time with the dentist after the braces. For two years after school I worked a retail job that, despite not paying crap, gave me dental insurance. I was going through a responsible phase and thought I'd get my mouth checked out. After all, I was due for check-up. . . about six years before. 

Anyway, to summarize the experience: x-ray, cleaning, drill, drill, ouch!, root canal. 

Soon after the experience of the root canal I got a real job at a real small software developer. This means bigger paycheck, no insurance.  I haven't been to the dentist in over two years. The last time I was there I was told that I had impacted wisdom teeth, and that I needed to get them out. Since then I've been in that don't go so you can ignore the problem that becomes worse so you don't go mindset. It's now a little demon in my brain that I can ignore most of the time, but presents itself in weird anxiety dreams. Like after I read blogs about people's fear of the dentist.